Behind Every Feminist is a Belief

Behind Every Feminist is a Belief…or a thousand of them. I lived in Boise for the second half of my twenties. My life was piano and feminism. You literally walked into my living room and saw a baby grand and a bookcase overflowing with books that had the ‘F’ word somewhere in the title or […]

Behind every feminist is a beautiful woman.

Behind Every Feminist is a Beautiful Woman. I am loving all the recent hype about women collaborating rather than competing. Mean girls really hurt! There’s a reason I stopped seeing clients, sunk into a deep depression and moved to the mountains of Montana: Mean Girl Recovery. I wish I could tell you the whole story, […]

Behind every feminist is passion

Behind every feminist is passion. My favorite definition of passion from Merriam-Webster is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. I believe that we’re all passionate about something. Feminists would probably all agree that they’re passionate about equality. Many, many additional branches of stem directly from this base of equality. […]

Behind every feminist is a song.

Behind every feminist is a song that provides comfort, inspiration, validation, transcendence and most importantly for me: expression. Until very recently, I’ve stammered and stuttered when asked, “What do you do?” Like many of you, my ‘job’ has changed a lot over the years, but it almost always involved music. These days, I’m confident and […]

Behind every feminist is a body.

“I think she’s a feminist…” It was really hard to decide where to start. Behind Every Feminist has been years in the making. It was actually a gift from an ex-boyfriend who was making fun of a colleague. This colleague was well-respected by his community and really good at his job. He also happened to […]

Time for change

Brave is: Anyone who acknowledges that #metoo turned to #wetoo because we have an epidemic on our hands and the time for change is now. I mean, the time for change was actually a lifetime ago, but it took women a while to realize that they should unite rather than fight. Thank you to the many brave […]