The Words of Women

Behind every feminist…is the truth.

Behind every feminist… is the truth.

Contributed by an author who chooses to remain anonymous.
Thank you for your bravery. 

Since the #MeToo movement, I’ve had to reckon with my own truth, a truth that I had long stuffed into the recesses of history because I was convinced it did not need to be retold. The truth is, I was molested by my best friend’s older brother when I was about 12 years old. The only person I told at the time, was my best friend. She freaked out, got angry, and I never spoke about it again, until I was 29 years old and in therapy. I stuffed it back down again for another decade or so. But I found myself having to confront the truth when scores of women came forward to retell their stories of being victims of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and rape.

A three-decade old allegation of attempted rape has surfaced against Brett Kavanaugh, nominee for the Supreme Court. I’ve heard people describe the accusation as, “it happened such a long time ago” or “people change after that long” or “I wonder if she still remembers the details correctly” or “she must be mistaken.” It stings to hear such words. Why? Because I was abused more than 30 years ago too. In some situations, those statements might be true, but I can attest that they also mean nothing. I would venture to guess that most of the children abused by Catholic priests remember exactly who abused them, even though 50, 60, or even 70 years have passed. My point here, is that you don’t forget, even when you want to.

At first, I too thought the Democrats were grasping at straws, but when Blasey Ford came forward this past weekend, the situation changed. I started to see myself in a perfect stranger and wanting and hoping that women brave enough to come forward (even after 30 years) are heard. And believed. That is what I would want.

Women have so much more to lose than men by revealing truth. Women get accused of lying (and men don’t). Women are vilified. They lose their jobs, income, and credibility while men suffer no consequences.

Here’s the truth:

I believe Christine Blasey Ford.

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