The world is so full of life, death, love, suffering, joy, and sorrow right now. In the midst of overwhelm, anxiety and the question of, “Am I enough? Am I doing enough?” I invite you to take the time to settle yourself and celebrate the present moment.
In the realm of self-discovery, I find my way,
A journey of acceptance, day by day.
Embracing the truth that I am enough,
Unveiling the beauty within is so tough.
Practicing forgiveness, a healing balm,
Releasing resentment with gentle calm.
Letting go of burdens that weigh me down,
Creating space for love to abound.
Gratitude fills my heart with its golden light,
For every blessing, whether large or slight.
The simple joys that surround me each day,
Illuminate my path in a radiant display.
Being present in this moment divine,
No longer lost in thoughts or time.
Immersed in the beauty of here and now,
I savor life’s treasures with a grateful bow.
For I am enough, as I am meant to be,
A masterpiece unfolding for all to see.
With forgiveness and gratitude as my guide,
I embrace each moment with arms open wide.