
The Words of Women

Behind every feminist is a beautiful woman.

Behind Every Feminist is a Beautiful Woman. I am loving all the recent hype about women collaborating rather than competing. Mean girls really hurt! There's a reason I stopped seeing clients, sunk into a deep depression and moved to the mountains of Montana: Mean Girl Recovery. I wish I could tell you the whole story,… Continue reading Behind every feminist is a beautiful woman.

The Words of Women

Behind every feminist is passion

Behind every feminist is passion. My favorite definition of passion from Merriam-Webster is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. I believe that we're all passionate about something. Feminists would probably all agree that they're passionate about equality. Many, many additional branches of stem directly from this base of equality.… Continue reading Behind every feminist is passion

The Words of Women

Behind every feminist is a song.

Behind every feminist is a song that provides comfort, inspiration, validation, transcendence and most importantly for me: expression. Until very recently, I've stammered and stuttered when asked, "What do you do?" Like many of you, my 'job' has changed a lot over the years, but it almost always involved music. These days, I'm confident and… Continue reading Behind every feminist is a song.

The Words of Women

Behind every feminist is a body.

"I think she's a feminist..." It was really hard to decide where to start. Behind Every Feminist has been years in the making. It was actually a gift from an ex-boyfriend who was making fun of a colleague. This colleague was well-respected by his community and really good at his job. He also happened to… Continue reading Behind every feminist is a body.

The Words of Women

Time for change

Brave is: Anyone who acknowledges that #metoo turned to #wetoo because we have an epidemic on our hands and the time for change is now. I mean, the time for change was actually a lifetime ago, but it took women a while to realize that they should unite rather than fight. Thank you to the many brave… Continue reading Time for change