Women’s March
Women’s March
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Behind every feminist…is the truth.
Behind every feminist… is the truth. Contributed by an author who chooses to remain anonymous. Thank you for your bravery. Since the #MeToo movement, I’ve had to reckon with my own truth, a truth that I had long stuffed into…
Behind every feminist is passion
Behind every feminist is passion. My favorite definition of passion from Merriam-Webster is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. I believe that we’re all passionate about something. Feminists would probably all agree that they’re…
Behind every feminist is a song.
Behind every feminist is a song that provides comfort, inspiration, validation, transcendence and most importantly for me: expression. Until very recently, I’ve stammered and stuttered when asked, “What do you do?” Like many of you, my ‘job’ has changed a…